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András Schiff
András Schiff

András Schiff

  • 别名:暂无
  • 性别:暂无
  • 所属分类:其他歌手
  • 出生地:暂无
  • 入驻时间:2016-01-26
  • 人气:
  • András Schiff个人资料:

    Andras Schiff,匈牙利钢琴家,5岁开始学琴,15岁在匈牙利电台举办的"发掘音乐天才"钢琴比赛中获第一名,同年入李斯特音乐学院学习,并在伦敦师从马尔科姆学习大键琴.1973年在匈牙利国家广播钢琴比赛中获第二名,1974年参加柴科夫斯基国际比赛获第四名,与同时代人兰基、科奇什一起被称为匈牙利钢琴三杰.席夫学过古钢琴,精心钻研斯卡拉蒂、巴赫、海顿等作曲家的分句技巧,其演绎的巴赫、海顿作品有清新、清秀的特点,音色极佳,充分发挥了现代钢琴的魅力。他与1929年在英国成立的Decca唱片公司有过合作,曾录制过巴赫平均律集全集,全集分两集,每集两碟,实为巴赫平均律中佳品。András Schiff emerged in the last decades of the twentieth century as one of the most respected pianists of his generation. After studies with Elisabeth Vadasz, Schiff made his debut at the age of nine. At 14 Schiff began formal studies at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest, where he studied with Pál Kadosa, György Kurtag, and Ferenc Rados; later, he studied with British conductor and keyboard player George Malcolm in London.Schiff came to international prominence as a prizewinner in the 1974 Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow; over the next few years, he also took top honors at the Leeds and Liszt Competitions, launching him on a successful concert and recording career. After a series of recordings for the Hungarian label Hungaroton, Schiff made a recording — as an accompanist for Hungarian soprano Sylvia Sass — for Decca. That recordings producer, Christopher Raeburn, was so impressed by Schiffs musicianship that he engaged the pianist for a project to record the Mozart piano sonatas then missing from Deccas catalogue. The results were so outstanding that Decca continued the series until Schiff produced the labels first integral set of Mozart sonatas. As a Decca/London artist, Schiff also recorded the complete Mozart piano concertos, much of the composers chamber music, and many of the keyboard works of J.S. Bach. The last are a cornerstone of Schiff¹s recorded repertory; they are uniformly excellent and especially notable for their clean delineation of Bachs contrapuntal textures. In tandem with his work in the studio, Schiff has pursued a concert career that includes appearances with the worlds major orchestras and conductors. On the recital stage, he has successfully collaborated with such notables as Gidon Kremer, Yuuko Shiokawa (who became his wife), Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Heinz Holliger, Peter Serkin, Peter Schreier, Robert Holl, and Cecilia Bartoli. In the late 1990s, he added conducting to his list of talents, frequently conducting from the keyboard in concerto concerts. In order to perform all of Mozarts piano concertos in Salzburg over a period of seven years, he formed his own ensemble, Cappella Andrea Barca, in 1999.Schiffs playing has been singled out for its complete technical fluency and intelligent musicality; in addition to the composers mentioned above, he is especially well known for his performances of Beethoven, Schubert, Bartók, Debussy, and Ravel. Among his post-competition honors are a Grammy Award (1989) and Hungarys highest artistic distinction, the Kossuth Prize (1996). In the 1990s he became a Teldec Artist; his recordings for the label include works by Handel, Brahms, Reger, Haydn, and Hungarian composer Sándor Veress. After leaving Teldec he joined ECM, for whom he has made several recordings of Beethoven sonatas.

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