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Sarah Kroger
Sarah Kroger

Sarah Kroger

  • 别名:Sarah Kroger & Mark LaBelle
  • 性别:组合
  • 所属分类:欧美歌手
  • 出生地:Melbourne, FL
  • 入驻时间:2016-01-26
  • 人气:
  • Sarah Kroger个人资料:

    Sarah and Mark met in high school and have been making music together ever since. They have led worship at their Catholic youth group, played at weddings, and even helped record the music for two childrens videos. Mark started writing music in about December 2005 for the two of them to sing at their churchs parish festival in the following spring, and a friend of theirs suggested that they come up with something to sell. The result was the four-track "Juniper" EP. Now Sarah will be studying music at Rollins College this fall, and Mark is currently studying music education at the University of Florida.

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