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Gnarls Barkley
Gnarls Barkley

Gnarls Barkley

  • 别名:暂无
  • 性别:组合
  • 所属分类:日韩歌手
  • 出生地:英国
  • 入驻时间:2016-01-26
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    红透半天天的流行二人说唱组合纳尔斯 巴克利
    在英国歌坛上风头正劲的二人组合Gnarls Barkley可以说是依靠互联网成功的代表性人物。他们是全世界首个连唱片也未出,只单凭网上下载次数登上细碟榜No.1的音乐单位,同时象征着一场互联网的音乐革命正式展开!
    Gnarls Barkley的两名成员分别是音乐制作人危险老鼠(Danger Mouse,本名布莱恩.伯顿Brian Burton)和说唱歌手Cee-Lo。首张CD作《Crazy》在4月3日才正式推出市面,但之前在多家网上音乐商店如iTunes等下载得到,《Crazy》也凭借之前超过3万次的下载次数,轻易成为当时英国CD榜第1位!
    《Crazy》在短短3分钟内涵盖Hip-Hop、Funky、Dance等元素,Cee-Lo的演绎也充满灵歌味道。背后的的音乐大脑“Danger Mouse”曾将The Beatles的《The White Album》与Jay-Z的《The Black Album》Remix为一体,成为他那张惊为天人的《The Grey Album》,这也吸引了Gorillaz找他监制他们的第2张专辑《Demon Days》。
    The Gnarls Barkley collaboration didnt bring producer Danger Mouse to the top of the British charts for the first time, but it did mark his debut as the pilot of a hit record. Mouse, born Brian Burton, first gained the ears of discriminating listeners when he concocted The Grey Album, a bootleg that mashed the vocals from The Black Album by Jay-Z with music samples courtesy of The White Album by EMI flagship the Beatles. Although the label posted a cease-and-desist order, one of their employees, Damon Albarn of Blur and Gorillaz, was one of the impressed, and he hired Burton to create the beats for the second Gorillaz album, Demon Days. Just one year later, Danger Mouse was back in the charts with another collaboration project, Gnarls Barkley, with singer Cee-Lo Green (a solo artist and former member of Atlantas Goodie Mob). The pair had met in Atlanta in the late 90s, and began recording together around the time of a 2003 DM record titled Ghetto Pop Life. A few recordings were passed around and played by many associated with the pair, and eventually one of the leaked tracks, "Crazy," became a hot property for the download market. It became the first single vaulted to the top of the British charts by digital distribution, and the resulting album, St. Elsewhere, peaked at number one on the album charts. A follow-up was not long in coming; The Odd Couple dropped in early 2008.

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